TRIBUTE project - "inTegRated and Innovative actions for sustainaBle Urban mobiliTy upgradE"

With the aim of facing the challenges posed by the rapid diffusion of new transport technologies and the need of innovative mobility solutions to cope with the occurring socio-economic and demographic changes, 8 cities of the Adriatic-Ionian region (Ljubljana, Maribor, Milan, Novi Sad, Patras, Podgorica Sarajevo and Zagreb), led by the Politecnico di Milano, have launched the Project TRIBUTE - Integrated and Innovative Actions for Sustainable Urban Mobility Upgrade-  within the European Transnational Cooperation framework of the Interreg ADRION Programme.

TRIBUTE, officially started on January 2021, aims at developing a transnational strategy for city transport in the Adriatic-Ionian Region, in line with new EU goals of sustainable, integrated and inclusive mobility. The estimated duration of the project is 30 months, while its total value is EUR 3,269,400.00, of which EUR 2,778,990.00 is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance IPA II.

The project kick-off meeting was held on 12th February 2021, focusing on planning and implementation of upcoming project activities, as well as the establishment of the project Steering Committee. The partners individually presented the Pilot Actions that they intend to implement. These will include: innovative mobility solutions for elderly and disabled users, advanced passenger information systems for public transport, bicycle mobility, electric vehicles and integrated urban transport management systems.

The bottom-up approach followed within the TRIBUTE project is based on the creation of Living Labs, which are a tool to involve citizens, public administration, academia, industry and companies interested in urban mobility, in order to co-design, experiment, and evaluate sustainable and innovative mobility solutions for the cities of the Adriatic-Ionian Region.

During the technical meeting, held on April 16th and organized by the City of Maribor, leader of the Working Package (WP T1), the methodology was presented to identify the target groups to be involved in the Living Labs and in the transnational network. By the end of May, it is planned to create a comprehensive database of key stakeholders of the TRIBUTE project. In the meantime, Politecnico di Milano will develop guidelines for the Living Lab implementation.


This press release has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the press release is the sole responsibility of TRIBUTE Partnership and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or ADRION programme authorities.